The Universal Credit UC47 form which landlords can use for rent / rent arrears ‘managed payments’
- Universal Credit UC47 form
As a landlord, you can enquire about your tenant’s benefit claims as long as the claimant has signed part 16 of the Housing Benefit application form. As the landlord, you must be able to provide the following information when calling about your tenant’s claim:
We can discuss only the following with you:
In certain situations we can also discuss the following about your tenant with you:
If your tenant is receiving Local Housing Allowance, it will generally be paid directly to them, unless they are protected by the safeguard policy and have applied to be placed onto this. Examples of when the safeguard policy will be used are:
We will need evidence for each of the above.
If your tenant is claiming Housing Benefit, we will pay it in accordance with the original application and how the tenant originally agreed payments would be made. This would be one of three options:
If you are unsure of how payments will be made, contact the Benefit Service for further advice.
If you’re receiving direct payments for Housing Benefit for more than one tenant, we will only send you one receipt/payment. With it, we will include a schedule that shows the dates and the amount of benefit we are paying on behalf of each tenant.
If we are paying the benefit directly to your tenants, we will not send you any payment information.
If you have received direct payments and there has been an overpayment, we will recover the overpaid amount from you. You must tell us as soon as you become aware of any overpayments to stop any action being taken against you. To recover overpayment we may send an invoice or deduct it from future benefit payments.
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