RwC - Wolverhampton Private Landlord Forum Meeting

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7th February 2023
Online MS Teams meeting

Rent with Confidence scheme supported by the City of Wolverhampton Council held the Wolverhampton Private Landlord forum meeting.

It was an online MS Teams meeting, attended by a large number of landlords. These meetings are held on a quarterly basis, chaired jointly with local landlords. They provide an effective arena to exchange news, views and experiences with other landlords and also are a good way of updating landlords and agents on current changes in legislation and council-led initiatives.

The forum aims to aid, inform and guide private landlords in Wolverhampton, as well as giving them a platform to discuss issues that affect them directly.

Information and presentations shared at the meeting:

  • Fuel Poverty & Energy Efficiency Funding
  • Citizen Advice Bureau
  • Cost of Living update
  • Damp and Mould
  • Welfare Rights Service Update
  • Listening to our Landlords

Supporting information

All of the information shared can be found below:

Full Agenda and Presentations (PowerPoint) VIEW →
Welcome and Introduction (PDF)
Shabir Hussain & James Turner
Fuel Poverty & Energy Efficiency Funding (PDF)
David Payton, Lead officer – Climate Change (Housing)
Citizen Advice Bureau (PDF)
Siobhan Giddins, Advice Service Manager (Money Advice & Housing)
Cost of Living update (PDF)
Kate Lees, Partnership Manager
Damp and Mould (PDF)
Phillip Thorneywork, Senior Environmental Health Officer
Welfare Rights Service Update (PDF)
Mark Perlic – Welfare Rights Service Manager
Listening to our Landlords (PDF)
Private Rented Sector News (PDF) DOWNLOAD →
Register your interest for the next Wolverhampton Landlord Forum meetings

Should you have any other queries then please contact Rent With Confidence Team by email

Further informationn

Shabir Hussain

Lead Officer – Rent With Confidence
t: 07773 193 566

Rennu Biant

Private Landlord Liaison Officer – Rent with Confidence
t: 07773 194 683